Saturday, February 09, 2013

Doodle, doodle, doodle...

Hey guys! I've been a doodlin' fool recently! I should of been throwing behind the last update's dwarf piece but I spent some time kicking around my sketchbook instead. It's still fun and productive! So all's not lost, right?!

The first couple sketchbook images are from a quick pose life drawing session we started at work and boy am I rusty! I haven't done this in several years and it really shows. I'm kinda ashamed of these but I like to post the bad with the good so I'm laying everything bare! Ha! It did get me in the mood to think about anatomy and posing a bit more then. And you'll see how the quick sketches affected the rest of my time doodling from my imagination through out the other images.

I spent the last year really trying to focus more on drawing and fearlessly getting ideas down on the paper. And with that goal in mind I'm quite proud of this last update because I feel I'm really starting to do that. No matter how messy and terrible things are I'm not getting myself hung up on renders and stuff as much. I'm just really trying to scrawl things out, move on to the next one and make it even better. Just use a sketchbook for what it should be! Sketching! Ha! It's been a meaningful exercise that I'm hoping will make my finished work even more stronger. 

My focus for this year? I'd like to continue on this path of sketching more and feeling more loose about my ideas up front. But this year I'd like to think more about the narrative elements in my drawings. I came across this quote recently...

"A drawing without a story can never be good, a drawing with a story can never wholly be bad." - Walt Stanchfield

...and I'm hoping to make it my mission statement of sorts. I'm hoping that I can create great designs as well as make them connect with the viewer in some way by creating a small story in each scribble. Hold me accountable to it! Then no matter how bad my drawing might be, it "can never wholly be bad." Haha!

So I hope you've enjoyed looking through my scraps! These are my favorite types of posts on other people's blogs. I'm not sure if everyone has the same fondness for this sort of mess that I do. Ha! But I hope so! See ya next time!

- Ryan

PS: The portrait of my on the 7th image was done by my lovely wife who hasn't drawn a thing in a few years! Not to shabby after all the time off, right?! Looking forward to more, Sarah! :o)


  1. Wow. I saw your blog on EliOlis post and your work is great. Love the sketches!

  2. Thank you so much! I just ventured over to your blog as well! You've got a ton of great stuff too! Keep it rockin'! I've followed your blog so I'll be looking forward to more!
