Hey guys!
I wanted to apologize for the disappearing for the last month or so. I wasn't avoiding you intentionally. ;o) I had a few job related decisions come up and that sucked away most of my attention/energy. The sketching slowed down and my relations online just sort of came to a stand still while I deliberated and negotiated my options. BUT... a decision has been made. And by the end of March I should find my little family living in Chicago, IL as my job has transferred me to a new team at our corporate headquarters.
I'm super excited to be closer to my MidWestern homeland as my wife and I are expecting our first this summer. But there are going to be some things I'll really miss about my life on the west coast and Vegas. For starters the weather is freakin' amazing here. Not looking forward to snow returning to my life. California is pretty awesome and I'll miss going to Comic Con and all the awesome times we had over there. And of course I'm gonna miss all my new friends that I've made out here over the last few years. But I'll have to drown out my sorrows with deep dish pizza, baseball games and a city that actually has some culture! Looking forward to new faces and new experiences of living in a big city!
As for art updates, I'm going to try and find some to scribble in between packing and moving across the country. But my art blog updates probably won't be as frequent until I get settled. I imagine I'll probably keep the Twitter and my "Art of Ryan Bowlin" Facebook page updated more often as it's easy to snapshot stuff and post it via those sites. So if you're starving for updates you can check out those pages!
Until then... I'll see ya on the open road! At least, I hope it's open. I hear Chicago traffic is maddening. ;o) Take care and thanks for sticking with me through the month of no updates!
- Ryan
PS: That sketch up there is a sampling of a random scribble from my sketchbook. Probably should have mentioned that somewhere.